UPDATE: Since Logic Pro X 10.4.2 it’s possible to move the content to the external drive directly. See: https://support.apple.com/en-bh/HT208892
Move Logic Pro X Sound Library to External Drive (before 10.4.2)
- SymbolicLinker
- External Drive (preferably SSD)
Step 1: Download SymbolicLinker
from: https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/10433/symboliclinker
Copy the SymbolicLinker.service.app to /Library/Services/ on your Startup Disc.
Note: If the Folder Services does not exist yet, create it.
Then start the SymbolicLinker.service.app once by double-clicking. The system should register the service now.
Note: If the step 3 does not work, you need to enable “Make Symbolic Link” in the System Preferences under: Keyboard –> Shortcuts.
Step 2: Copy Logic Pro X Content
On your external Drive, create a folder where you want store your Logic Pro X Content. Then copy all the following folders from your Mac´s Drive to your external drive.
- Location: /Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Instrument Library
- possible other Location: /Library/Application Support/Logic/Instrument Library
Apple Loops
- Location: /Library/Audio
EXS Factory Samples & Alchemy Samples & Sampler Instruments & Ultrabeat Samples
- Location: /Library/Application Support/Logic
Step 3: Create Symbolic Links / Delete Logic Pro X Content from your Macs drive
On your external drive create Symlinks for all the folders you copied from your Mac´s drive by clicking right –> Services –> Make Symbolic Link
Then go to the original location on your Mac, delete the folder you created a Symbolic link for and replace it with the Symbolic link.
Note: The Symbolic link has to have the exact same name as the original folder.
That’s it! Any additional content you download in Logic from now on will be stored on your external drive. Congratulations!